Welcome to Charkin Maritime Centre!
+234 (0) 706 660 0965
Port-Harcourt, Rivers State
Charkin CentreCharkin CentreCharkin Centre


State of the art Infrastructure

Equipped for a global experience

Charkin Maritime & Offshore Safety centre boasts of a facility with state of the art classrooms equipped with up to date technology, providing a conducive environment for learning for our delegates. The facility also consists of a standard and comfortable 120 rooms accommodation for delegates who choose to stay within the premises for the period of their course duration. Also present on our site is a cafeteria to cater for delegates. The Facility also has 24hrs armed security and CCTV with adequate car park.

Modern Facilities

Our Facilities

We teach with the right equipment

Learning really becomes precise and in-depth when you use the right equipment, you get accurate data and learning experiences. 

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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